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Welcome to Nursery!


Miss Webber


Teaching Assistant

 Mrs J Morris and Miss G Warren

Mrs R Ratnam (Lunchtime Support)


Welcome to our Nursery! We officially became part of Deanwood Primary School in September 2021 and are so pleased to be the beginning of your child’s educational journey. We  provide high quality teacher-led education in a safe and welcoming environment. Our staff are dedicated to promoting a love of learning, developing essential independence skills and fostering inquisitive minds. We use open-ended resources and exciting experiences to support children’s learning.   


Meet the team

At Deanwood Nursery we have a qualified teacher Miss Webber as our EYFS Lead and part-time Nursery class teacher. We also have Miss Tombs part-time and Gemma and Jane full time. In addition, we also have support from Sarah.  



We follow Development Matters guidance at our Nursery. In Nursery, we focus primarily on our three prime areas of learning as detailed below.  

Prime Areas 

Personal, Social and Emotional 

Physical development 

Communication and Language 


We also introduce activities and experiences based upon our specific areas which are highlighted here:  


Specific Areas 



Understanding the world 

Expressive arts and design 


This allows children to develop a range of fundamental skills when in Nursery that they will take through their educational journey at Deanwood and their futures beyond. 


Characteristics of effective learning

As an Early Years provision, our job is to ensure all children’s learning styles are supported and nourished and this is achieved by focusing on characteristics of effective learning children are using in their play, and adjust our practice appropriately. These characteristics are: 

Characteristics of effective learning  

Playing and exploring  

Active learning 

Creating and thinking critically 

Children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’. 

Children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements. 

Children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.  


We use Tapestry and our online learning journal. When your child starts at Deanwood Nursery, they will be added to this system and you will be able to see photos and read comments about what your child gets up to at Nursery. You will also be able to add experiences you share with them at home!  


What comes before phonics?

At our Deanwood Nursery, early reading is a huge priority. We want to immerse children in stories and songs as these experiences is what will help prepare them to start school. We use a range of early reading resources and activities such as story stones, rhyming games, interactive storytelling, sharing story books, lots and lots of singing and much more! 


Outside Space

At Deanwood Nursery we value our large outdoor area and our children use it every single day – no matter what the weather! We operate a ‘free flow’ system where children can choose to learn inside or outside and use our natural environment to support our learning experiences Please prepare for this by ensuring your child has spare clothes as they may get wet from water play or muddy from bug hunts!