Welcome from the Head of School
Welcome to Deanwood Primary School. We want every child at Deanwood to be happy, successful and safe. We firmly believe that children who are feeling happy and safe in school will be keen to learn and will therefore be far more likely to make good progress both academically and emotionally.
Starting school is a key moment in a child’s life. We aim to ensure that all of our children have the best possible start, whether they are joining us in the Foundation Stage or at a later stage in their educational career. As a one-form entry Primary School, we pride ourselves on being a close-knit community of learners where adults and children quickly get to know each other. In our experience, these relationships are particularly helpful when children move from one Year Group to the next as they are already familiar with the other adults in the school.
Our key aim is achievement with enjoyment and our children are encouraged to participate in all aspects of learning. We aim to develop caring, confident, responsible individuals who are given the opportunity to reach their full potential.
We very much hope that you enjoy taking a look at our school website. If you are interested in our school, we encourage you to come and visit. Please contact us via the information on our contact page.
Mrs Wright
Head of School
About Us
Deanwood is a community primary school with a nursery provision. A large percentage of our children join us at the age of 3 and stay until the end of Year 6. We provide a high-quality learning environment for all our children. The physical environment is important to every child’s learning and development. Our commitment is to provide a bright, well-organised and stimulating place for children to learn. We have carpeted areas in classrooms and corridors, and the school provides the children with plenty of space, both indoors and outdoors. We encourage visitors to have a look around the school to see the children at work and play.
The school has a spacious IT suite at its heart and all children enjoy access to this as part of the curriculum. As well as this, each classroom has an interactive whiteboard and we have recently purchased a class set of iPads which will open up a number of new and exciting learning opportunities for all of our students.
We are fortunate to have a separate dining hall which helps us to ensure that the main hall is available throughout the day for a variety of active learning opportunities such as PE and drama.
Central to the children’s outdoor experiences is a large field. This is used for outdoor games and also at lunchtimes in the summer when the children in KS2 get the opportunity to eat lunch with their friends and enjoy having plenty of space to run around and be active. We are fortunate to have two playgrounds, one for KS1 and one for KS2. Recently, new climbing equipment has been added to the KS1 playground to help to further enhance the playtime experience.
As part of the Howard Academy Trust, we work with our partner schools to provide additional sports support with the option to utilise all their sporting facilities. To find out more about our Multi Academy Trust and our partner schools, please take a look at The Howard Academy Trust via the link at the top of the page.