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Admission to Deanwood Primary School

If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.

Our school is one form entry, with a Published Admission Number of 30 per year group.

Places are allocated by Medway Education Authority according to its published admissions criteria in order of priority:

  • Children in public care
  • Children with a current family association; a brother or sister (including adopted, foster and step siblings) in the school at the time of application and still attending in the September (ie must be in Years R-5 at the time of application)
  • Children with health, medical or special access reasons 
  • Children of teaching staff
  • Nearness of child's home

For further details of the admissions criteria, please read the Determined Admission Arrangements document below.

Prospective parents are always welcome to visit our school and are encouraged to telephone the school office for an appointment. Parents must apply to Medway Education Authority to gain a place to our school during the year before the child starts school. 

Tel: 01634 331155
Website: www.medway.gov.uk/admissions


Following the offer of a school place, the Head of School gives an introductory talk, for new families which allows parents to ask any questions they may have. A comprehensive folder is provided to all children at this time outlining information about the school-day and provided a variety of practical and fun ideas in preparation for their educational start.

Arrangements are also made for the new children to visit their classroom and meet their teacher and peers at least once before they start.

The majority of children do come to school confident and happy and by working together we can ensure the children and parents have a good introduction to the school and a positive start to education. 

Appeals Timetable

If your child is due to start primary school in September 2023, you can appeal if you are refused a place at one of your preferred schools on National Offer Day (Monday 17 April 2023).

The deadline for submitting an appeal is Friday 12 May 2023 for offers made on 17 April.

For late applications, appeal requests should be submitted within 20 school days of your application outcome.